getting through puppy training with ease

Training Tips For Your New Puppy

by Violet Perry

Your new bundle of fluff that you just brought home isn't going to be the best listener right off the bat. Your new puppy is going to need some extra attention and special training in order to lean what you need it to learn. That training is going to need to come from you. You have to teach your puppy how to behave and what is acceptable behavior, and if you aren't sure how to train your puppy yourself, you are going to need to use a professional pet trainer to train your puppy. The things you can learn from your puppy's trainer are going to help teach your puppy after the training is complete. To help you train your puppy, there are a number of things that may help you. Read on for a few tips.

Be Consistent

You need to be consistent when you are training your puppy. If you use three different commands to get your puppy to sit, they are never going to learn this. You need to be consistent in how you train and in the commands that you use. If you tell your puppy to sit, this is the command you have to stick with. You cannot add to it or change the word. You need to be consistent in the wording and gestures you use.

Be Stern

You don't have to be mean to your dog in order to get them to listen, but you should be stern in your commands. If you are always using a baby voice when talking to your dog, your dog may pay less attention to you. Be stern in the commands that are used for your dog, but don't be mean either. Your dog may cower in fear rather than listen, which is not good either.

Be Clear

You need to be clear in your instructions and in the training that you want your puppy to learn. If you aren't clear, your puppy may not exactly understand what it is that you want them to do. Your puppy may not understand that you do not want them to go to the bathroom in the house because you aren't clear about what you need your puppy to do. If your puppy does go potty in the house, take them outside immediately and be clear in the instruction that your puppy needs to go potty outside. When your puppy does go potty outside, you can give them a treat and use positive reinforcement to help train.

If you have a new puppy, training is essential. You should hire a professional dog trainer to train your puppy for you and to give you tips on how to train your puppy after training is complete. For more information, contact a company like Canine Connection.
