getting through puppy training with ease

An Experienced Dog Trainer Can Curb These Unwanted Behaviors

by Violet Perry

The wealth of resources that you can find today in the form of books and videos often makes it possible to successfully train your dog to behave in a manner that you find appropriate. There's nothing wrong with attempting to train your pet yourself, but if you find that you're struggling to do so, you'll want to involve a professional right away. Find an experienced dog trainer in your community and contact him or her to discuss your animal's behavioral issues, and then set up a session to see what progress the trainer can make with the pet. Here are some unwanted behaviors that an experienced trainer can curb.

Pulling On The Leash

When you're walking a dog, you want it to walk beside you at a pace that is consistent with your pace. Unfortunately, this isn't something that a lot of pet owners experience. Instead, their dog will be steps ahead of them, pulling at the leash. This is especially true when the dog notices another dog, a pedestrian, a squirrel, or anything else that catches its interest. Dog training can help your dog to stop this behavior so that when it walks with you, there's always slack in the leash.

Jumping Up

One of the most undesirable behaviors that any dog can exhibit is jumping up. While you might understand that your pet occasionally gets excited, you need to feel that it can control itself and keep four paws on the floor. Jumping up is a concern for multiple reasons. A larger dog could easily knock over a child or an elderly person, and they could get seriously hurt as a result. If your dog were to knock over someone you don't know well, this person might hire an injury attorney and bring an injury suit against you. A dog that jumps up can also make your clothing dirty or even tear it.

Barking At The Door

While you might not mind some occasional barking when your dog is playing, an animal that sits by the door and barks when cars or people go past will be highly disruptive to your family — and possibly to your neighbors, too, if you live in a town home or a duplex. An experienced dog trainer can work with your animal to increase its level of calmness. This can prevent it from being so excited that it has to bark during the day.

For more information, contact companies like David's Dog Training.
