getting through puppy training with ease

Exploring The Benefits Of Enrolling Your Dog In An Obedience Class

by Violet Perry

Dogs are much like children in the fact that their behavior is often a reflection of the skills you have taught them. If your dog is not behaving in an appropriate manner, there is a good chance that you have failed to provide them with the training they need. The good news is, it really is possible to teach an old dog new tricks. With the help of the right obedience class, it is possible to teach your dog the skills they need to be a welcome member of your household, regardless of how old your dog may be.

Socialization Leads To A Decrease In Aggression

One of the most beneficial aspects of enrolling your dog in an obedience class is the ability to socialize your pet with other animals. As with people, dogs are typically afraid of the unknown. Consequently, they will often lash out in an aggressive manner when they feel threatened by unfamiliar animals or people. This can result in some serious behavioral problems that make it difficult to truly enjoy the companionship that your pet has to offer.

By enrolling your dog in an obedience class, you will be giving them the opportunity to interact with new people and animals in a controlled and understanding setting. The more social contact your dog has, the less aggressive they will be when encountering new things. While socialization is most effective in younger dogs, this approach to obedience training can also be very effective in older dogs who have been isolated from people and animals outside of their household.

Obedience Training Can Strengthen The Bond Between Pet And Owner

The bond that you and your dog share is very important. This is because dogs naturally live in packs and will play a submissive role only after the alpha in the pack has been identified. If you have yet to make your role in your family known to your pet, the behavior problems that they are exhibiting could be nothing more than a power play to try and establish themselves as the alpha.

Through the use of an obedience class, you will be able to clearly establish both your role and your dog's role within your family. Once this has been established, you and your dog will be able to create a much stronger bond, and you will find that your pet is eager to please you by displaying the behaviors that you have reenforced. For more advice, speak with experts like the Canine Behavior Center.
